The Prayer Meeting on Pentecost was powerful as expected . Gina played with Tony and I and Carol and  Marie gave prophecies which they had received during the week  which are on the videos .

Link to  You Tube Videos

Come Holy Ghost

Spirit of the Living God

Holy Spirit You Are Welcome Here and Carols Prophecy 

Fresh Wind Coleen’s Testimony

And Marie’s Prophecy 

Prophecy Carol Brownlow given 5/19/24


My first word to my people is “hallejulah”. What a great day we have to celebrate Pentecost - the beginning of our Christian church.


Try to imagine in years past how we fought for our church through many many unbelievers- only to have them turn about and join us. What a joy that gave us.


In today’s world you have to fight just as hard against many people. In some places you aren’t even allowed to celebrate mass


You must remain positive as our church continues to grow despite some people trying to put an end to Christianity


But, we will overcome all opposition & bring Christianity to all who accept it & many many will


Be strong, standing tall & straight with your held high to spread the good news


Peace & love to all of you, my children. Goodness & righteousness will prevail. Christianity will continue to shine forth like the magnificent beacon it is


Marie Curtis Prophecy from May 19th


Be strong, Holy is My name.

Be forever with Me. I am the solid ground for your feet to tread upon.

So many things have come to pass but many more are to come. Be patient My children, see how the farmer waits for the early and latter rain.

So much of My work-what I do for My children- is unseen.  Believe in Me. I am for you!


Evil is ever present in the world, but I have overcome this world!

Let us push back the darkness, it cannot stand against a body that is united.  Be of the same mind, rise against evil. Boldness and strength are gifts from Me.  Pray for these gifts in these last days.


Turmoil is upon us but take heart, you shall not go under. You shall see your enemies perish. I am the Righteous One and I avenge, for the sake of My name and the sake of My people.


Praise the Lord, for He is good and His mercy/loving kindness endures forever.

Coleen gave a testimony of a powerfully Answered prayer which is on the fresh wind video below .

      After a half hour of praise we went in front of the altar Tony and I played acoustic with Gina on the churches piano . A lot of adoration from all .


       We came back and played let the fire fall and it did . We then prayed for one another and others .

        The only unfortunate thing was we had left the I pad at home and didn’t vdeo everything because our devices ran out of battery charge.

Link to  You Tube Videos

Come Holy Ghost

Spirit of the Living God

Holy Spirit You Are Welcome Here and Carols Prophecy 

Fresh Wind Coleen’s Testimony

And Marie’s Prophecy 

   Below are some  Sharon took  during adoration .